We all know those people. The nosy ones, the ones with the "helpful hints," and then the just plain rude ones. I've dealt with them my whole life after being blessed with a big family consisting of a bunch of aunts.
At 11 it was "Why are you taking taekwondo? Why not take cheerleading instead?"
At 14 it was "Here's some makeup, with your hair and eye lash color you should wear some."
At 18 it was "Why do you want to go to that college, you should go to _____ instead."
Now at 23 we're starting the really big questions: "So when are you going to get married/ buy a house/ have a baby/ start a retirement fund/ insert another life step."
I'm totally down with steering a child in the way it should go. I credit my upbringing to two parents who gave me the tools to grow successfully and take every advantage that life throws at me. If something wasn't beneficial to my life, they let me know QUICK. They let me fall but didn't let me smack the floor too hard. Their opinions on my life will always be considered.
I love my extended family. Really. They're all great in their own individual ways. So when they hand me their criticisms, excuse me, "helpful hints" on my life, I tend to take it with a HUGE grain of salt. Why? Because I know what my everyday life is like. I know what I have to work with. They see me for a very short amount of time and everything else they know about me is through the veritable "grape vine" that comes with being part of a big family. But when a snarky family member who isn't doing so hot with their own personal endeavors tries to give me their unsolicited advice, it takes every bit of me to not say:
"Well if I were you I would consider losing weight/ quit smoking/ stop using credit cards/ *insert another bad lifestyle habit.* Ain't so cool when you're on the receiving end of unwarranted advice, is it?"
So here it goes with my decisions. They will inevitably change with life, but here's my game plan:
1) I will get married when he proposes. Shocker right? We're happy how we are right now, and if he wants to take that next step, I doubt he'll be shy in letting me know.
2) Babies? BABIES?! I just started working for a great company, and I love what I do. Babies take time, yo! Don't get me wrong, I'm not the type that wants to wait til I'm 30, but I have a couple of years to think about it. You don't want this girl doing something like rearing a child before the time is right. (If only more people took that last line to heart.)
3) I do actually want to own property within the next 3 years, but I'll have to see what my personal life is doing at that time.
I'm not trying to play it off like all my life decisions will be successful. It's almost guaranteed something will go awry. But it's my life. I've kept on the straight and narrow (with a few small curves) my whole life and I plan to stay that way. So until I ask how you did something, keep the opinions to yourself.
Phew... Glad to get that off my chest.