Monday, September 27, 2010

3 days til...

3 days til I turn 23. I feel like I'm turning 32. Comes with the territory of dating a 33 year old I guess. Much like it always does around my birthday, the crispy fall air blew in from the north this morning, and I broke out my pull-over and ever so slightly turned up the heat in my car. Before long, I will be buying a box of instant apple cider packets for my desk at work. I might even hang fall decorations in the good ole cubicle...

We leave on Wednesday for Chicago on our fall vacation, and I cannot wait to get on that plane and leave Tennessee for a while. Don't get me wrong, love the place, but it starts to lose its wonder when you don't leave for over a year. It will be nice to go back to the first big city I ever visited, and for once show Ben some things he's never seen. Hopefully I will come back with even better pictures than my last visit.

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week!

1 comment:

Kimberly Pitman said...

Happy belated birthday! Just had one of my own. I'm nowhere NEAR 23 or 32 anymore so I hope you enjoy them because they start coming faster. :)

Hope you had a great time in Detroit. We're going there in November.