Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Are you a good mix?

I know everyone has heard at one time or another "Oh, you're just like your mother/father". But have you ever really considered which part of you corresponds to each parent?

I know for sure that I get my gift-giving ways from my father. He strives to make sure everyone has something at Christmas, including his co-workers. For that matter, he makes sure everyone at least gets a card for every other special occasion throughout the year. Unfortunately, I also get my money-managing skills from my dad. Not in any capacity is he bad at finances, but he's already figured it all out. I havent. Oh well, I'm working on it.

From my mother I get my tenacity. My will to survive. The will to make sure that I'm comfortable with whatever is happening in my life and change it if I feel the need to. I also get my savvy-ness. Mom has always instilled in me to find a way to get out of any predicament. Don't always wait for Prince Charming (not the Ohio one)to come and save you. I've also figured out that whenever I'm trying something new, I try to figure out an escape plan. I know its silly, but hey, it makes me feel better and its come to good use before. It kinda drives Alex crazy, but I rarely "live on the edge." I have learned to turn off the cell phone when going camping now.

From both of my parents I get my cool-headed attitude. Those who remember me from my younger days are saying "Ummm riiiggghhhtttt". Hey, I was a kid, we were all a little tuned up tight. My parents never saw a need in getting bent out of shape about anything. What's the use? The problem won't solve itself if people are going crazy. Cooler heads always prevail.

Have you ever seen the families who do get bent all out of shape when things happen? Isn't everyone in that family, even the dog, stressed to the max? If people would just chill out, quit yelling, take a 5, things might become a little clearer. And this goes out to all the "screamer moms" out there, kids get used to it, then you're losing your voice for nothing. Believe me, I saw my aunt do it for years. My cousin literally thought his mom was deaf because she was always yelling at him.

Do you think you're a good mix of your mother and father?

1 comment:

Kimberly Pitman said...

I'm quite the hybrid. I've got some of my dad's good qualities and his bad ones. I've also got some of my mom's good qualities and bad ones. Trying to capitalize on the good ones is not as easy to do as I'd like. Still working on that.